Can you believe it? December is here and where did the year go? I hope your year was full of adventures like mine was. Let's have fun and enjoy the 12 days of Sexmas!
We all know that this time of the year is all about giving so why not give your partner/partners something to remember. Couples can become so consumed with work, preparing for the holidays that they tend to neglect their significant other. During the next 12 days get to know your partner with fun and sensual activities that will surely make the bedroom spicy. On the 12th day there is a complimentary gift! Let the fun begin.
Day 1
Take time to write your special person an erotic poem. Use descriptive words that reflect the 5 senses. Taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound. For example, one might say," I want to taste your tears run down your thighs" Imagine tasting your partners natural juices as they run down her thighs. Set the mood as you write by listening to your favorite sensual playlist. Poetry is what you make it. Text, email, or write it down on notebook paper. Either way it will create a moment for them to remember. Most love letters were poems so make your love letter today. Grab your pen and naughty thoughts and enjoy writing.
Sexologist Erotic and Intimacy Coach